Remote Court Reporting Services – Tech Tip II

eCourt Reporters will be providing tips to help court reporters and law firms transition to the current need for remote court reporting services. (Click here if you missed Tech Tip I)

You’ve chosen a video conference software, what’s next?

Do multiple pretests with friends and family.

  1. Host checklist.
  • Include an email to a personal email address to verify delivery to invitees.
  • Verify conference correct date/time.
  • Verify email addresses on invite.

      2. Begin meeting 15 minutes before actual start time.

  • Verify camera on/off. Camera may be off and you can attend via audio only.
  • Verify audio on/off.
  • Speaker phone (optional). In some areas, depending on Internet speed, your video feed may skip. Mute the computer speaker and use the speaker phone for sound.
  • Close out any unnecessary open tabs/windows.

3. Conference etiquette.

  • Introductions of all attendees.
  • Be mindful of multiple speakers at one time.
  • Be mindful of background view.
  • Be mindful that others can see your actions at all times if your camera is on.
  • Be mindful of background noise. 

Requests for remote court reporting services have vastly increased.

During this difficult time in our country, if you would like something to smile about, here is a video of just how things may go.  Yes, it’s a bit of humor, but it seriously is a great reenactment! 

For court reporters, list your profile (free) at eCourt Reporters to be scheduled direct by schedulers across the U.S.  Include “GoToMeeting/Zoom/etc.” services on your service listing.

For law firms and schedulers, search, select, and schedule remote court reporting services for proceedings at eCourt Reporters. Click the box for “Web Conference (Webex/Zoom)” under “Additional Services Required.”

eCourt Reporters will be doing a series of Tech Tips to help with the transition of running a remote proceeding to help things go smoothly.  To follow the series, send a request to [email protected].

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