Remote Court Reporting Services – Tech Tip I

eCourt Reporters will be providing tips to help court reporters and law firms transition to the current need for remote court reporting services.

Let’s start with the basics. What equipment is needed?

  • Computer/mobile device with a webcam or remote camera for visual feed.
  • Speaker phone (optional). In some areas, depending on Internet speed, your video feed may skip. Mute the computer speaker and use the speaker phone for sound.
  • A quiet location. Outside noises are very distracting on a remote feed. We all understand background noise interference, before going on the record, be sure all attendees are in a quiet environment.

What is the best service to use to make a video connection? Lots of options! Here is a list of the most commonly used meeting connections:

Whatever service you choose, read the options carefully. Some services offer “free” plans; however, the free plan may come with a limited meeting time, i.e., 30 or 40 minutes.

Prepare! Test a virtual meeting with friends and family prior to the first live event. Always easier to work out issues without pressure.

Requests for remote court reporting services have vastly increased.

During this difficult time, if you would like something to smile about, you can watch this video of just how things may go. Yes, it’s a bit of humor, but it seriously is a great reenactment!

For court reporters, list your profile (free) at to be scheduled direct by law firms. Include “GoToMeeting/Zoom/etc.” services on your service listing.

For law firms, search, select, and schedule remote court reporting services for proceedings at Click the box for “Web Conference (Webex/Zoom)” under “Additional Services Required.”

eCourt Reporters will be doing a series of Tech Tips to help with the transition of running a remote proceeding to help things go smoothly. Send a request to [email protected] to follow the series.

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