Videoconference Depositions

Sometimes the most convenient, cost-effective way to conduct a deposition is through a videoconference.

At eCourt Reporters, we make it easy to find and book a professional court reporter outside your location with the capability of videoconferencing.

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  • “Partnering with eCourtReporters has allowed me to grow my business and do it on my own terms.  I’ve gained a valuable client who has booked me over 20 times in the past year! Karen and Judy are always available to help and keep the lines of communication open. I highly recommend eCourtReporters for all legal professionals.”

    Janice Burness
    RPR, CRR
  • “eCourt Reporters is solving a real problem in the legal industry… I’m excited to watch them disrupt a space that has remained virtually untouched for decades.”

    Adrienne Palm
    Director of gBETA
  • “With eCourt Reporters, I’m in control of my schedule and my rates. Attorneys have control over the specific court reporter to be assigned. It’s a win/win for everyone. Fabulous concept!!”

    Sue Taylor
    Court Reporter