Video Conferencing in the Stay-At-Home Era

Addressing the video conference concerns from the attorneys’ and court reporters’ point of view.

Attorneys may be slow to go all in with conducting depositions remotely in the stay-at-home era, and it is understandable as to why.  Software security issues, fear of off-camera coaching, and Internet skips have all been known to slow the remote deposition service process.  The ability to do remote depositions has been available for quite some time, but the need for due process has forced remote services to vastly increase.

Attorneys want to get the truth in litigation and depositions are an opportunity to flesh out the facts.  But what if someone that was not involved with the original incident is “helping” with the story?  In an in-person deposition, there are attorneys for each side of the lawsuit, a court reporter, and the witness that is being deposed.  All questions are answered without the input of outside persons.  After all, attorneys just want the witness’ version of what happened.  But what if the witness is at home on a video conference call and others in the home just want to help with the answers?  Well, it is no longer the witness’ testimony but rather outside influences that can steer the testimony.

There is also recording issues as video conference software often has built-in recording features.  “Off the record” is a crucial aspect during a legal proceeding, if recording continues during private conversations between lawyers and clients, clearly there is reason to be concerned.

Court reporters have stepped up to help with conducting remote services, but they, too, are faced with challenges.  Skips in video, muffled voices, outside interference, and even handling of exhibits are just a few obvious pain points.

eCourt Reporters‘ database allows law firms to be as thorough in selecting their court reporter as clients are in selecting their lawyer.  Attorneys can go through profile listings and determine the best-suited court reporter based on years of experience, upfront pricing, certifications, and a 5-star rating by peers.  As law firms mull pay cuts to get through the COVID-19 pandemic, eCourt Reporters is a welcome addition for the legal industry to utilize legal technology to help with changing times.

Court reporters and legal videographers, if you’re providing remote services and your profile is not yet listed, apply now to be found by law firms, government entities, and court reporting agencies across the U.S.

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