
eCourt Reporters News
Listen to the podcast as Suzi Hixon interviews Karen Renee and shares her entrepreneurial business experiences with eCourt Reporters’ system.  What an honor to have eCourt Reporters, Inc., featured on her show!  Typically, Suzi interviews lawyers; however, she pivoted because of how important court reporters are to the legal industry. Suzi is a huge promoter...
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Flaws remain in voice-to-text and machine learning technology.  One of the biggest flaws is the replacement of words that have vastly different meanings. Many were captured by the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, and yet the proceedings were subjected to words made up by computer-generated subtitles, “Yeomen of the Guard” displayed as “Human of the Gods,” and “Equerries” became “Aquarius.” Words have meaning.  The above-stated errors may...
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eCourt Reporters has been busy! Here’s some highlights of recent activity: PODCASTS: * The Savvy Entrepreneur – Doris Nagel interviewed Karen Renee on Lakes Radio 101.5 FM.   Doris Nagel wrote: “Karen Renee, CEO of eCourt Reporters, says that she and her business partner Judy Gerulat run their business the same way they ride their Harleys — full-speed...
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The Summerfest Tech agenda is out, and this is an event you will certainly want to take part in. The Summerfest Tech theme this year is “Focus on Innovation.” Along with an outstanding lineup of music, eight companies will participate in a pitch competition for a chance to win a portion of $50,000. For the...
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LawNext is a comprehensive directory for law firms to learn about legal technology products. With so many legal tech companies on the market, LawNext compiled a detailed list for law firms to have the ability to filter products by ratings and information provided. Categories listed include contracting, litigation, practice management, legal research, discovery, and so...
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Digital recordings in the legal field continue to make the news, and it’s not good. Law360 published an article April 7, 2022, discussing the many glitches in digital court reporting tech. StoryCloud was recently shut down in Texas when a complaint was filed by a local court reporting agency. The headlines are no surprise to the court reporting industry; however, law firms...
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As prayers go out to the Waukesha families affected by the Christmas parade tragedy, yet another revelation has been brought to the forefront. A previous court hearing of the alleged attacker has no record of the proceeding. A “technical issue” was cited as the reason for the lack of available transcripts. This type of travesty...
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Congratulations to the following winners: Attorney Brandy Manning with Alston & Bird Court Reporter Esther Van Blarcom had this to say about Attorney Brandy Manning, “I love how Ms. Manning does everything she can to help me get a good record. She pays for the record promptly and expresses her appreciation.” Michael Leonard, Esq., with Boyle, Leonard &...
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  Find eCourt Reporters on multiple social media sites. Connect and share! Our goal is to provide important information regarding the many benefits of law firms working directly with legal support service providers.   LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube Reddit Beacons Download eCourt Reporters’ app to your phone! iPhone instructions Android instructions ________________________________________________________________________ Your feedback is important to...
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A Risk Too High for Litigation! WORDS MATTER! WHAT VOICE-TO-TEXT TRANSLATED   —   WHAT WAS ACTUALLY SAID An admissible evidence   – Inadmissible evidenceI wouldn’t know   – I would notePriceless   – Price listYou pee on other countries   – UPL and other countriesWorking as an illegal   – Working as a paralegalHe was absolutely thinking   – He was absolutely fakingLegal   –...
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Technology continues to flourish in the legal community.  Online marketplaces are providing impressive transparent legal support services to law firms.  There are service providers such as process servers, stenographers, virtual receptionists, interpreters, document creators, and more that are all valuable for the discovery process in litigation, and all those services are now easily accessible through...
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PARALEGALS AND LEGAL ASSISTANTS, HOW DO YOU SPEND YOUR TIME? Are you spending exorbitant time searching for and scheduling certified court reporters? Your time is better spent showcasing your expert abilities on pre-trial discovery! eCourt Reporters surveyed paralegals and 77% indicate it takes up to four hours to over a day to schedule one court...
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Click Here to Listen to the LeXFactor Podcast now! In this episode of The LeXFactor, a lawfully good podcast, our podcast studio is once again populated with special guests. Special guest hosts Randy Schorfheide (Lexicon Sr. Manager of PR & Communications) and Scott Brennan (Lexicon CEO) welcome Karen Renee, President, and Judy Gerulat, Vice President, from eCourt Reporters to talk about “adapting and...
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Pro bono is a shortened Latin term meaning “for the public good.” Every lawyer, regardless of professional prominence or workload, has a responsibility to provide legal services to those unable to pay. Stressful times encourages Americans to do good and personal involvement in the problems of the disadvantaged can be one of the most rewarding...
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At eCourt Reporters we listen to our users! Whether you’re a service provider or a scheduler, we continually move forward with our award-winning technology for a better user experience! eCourt Reporters’ marketplace enables law firms, government entities, and court reporting agencies to search, select, and schedule court reporters and legal videographers directly for legal proceedings...
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With remote deposition services in high demand, eCourt Reporters is your only source to search, select, and schedule vetted, certified court reporters and legal videographers direct in less than five minutes! Choose the best-suited service provider with upfront pricing, listing of certifications, 5-star ratings, years of experience, and on-demand availability. eCourt Reporters  
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Tabak Law is doing great things for our veterans. Jim Brzezinski shares what has become his life’s work in helping veterans on WTMJ620 with John Mercure. Transcription provided by eCourt Reporters, Inc. The Sunday Sip JOHN MERCURE:  Welcome to the Sunday Sip, I’m John Mercure joined by my friend Jim Brzezinski, partner at Tabak Law,...
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As lawyers get back to pre-COVID levels with civil cases, family law cases are still lagging behind. The nationwide trend is taking shape, but so much more needs to be accomplished. Law firms are now utilizing many different tools to complete tasks that were available previously but not considered ideal. Conducting legal proceedings via video...
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Making business decisions doesn’t always happen in the office, especially now! President Karen Renee and Vice President Judy Gerulat of eCourt Reporters make some of their best business implementation on a Harley-Davidson ride. COVID-19 means changes in every business, this includes the legal industry. BizTimes featured eCourt Reporters’ founders regarding the importance of pivots made...
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John Mercure with WTMJ 620 interviewed Lauren Zwirlein from Tabak Law regarding social security disability benefits and COVID-19. Transcription provided by eCourt Reporters. JOHN MERCURE:  I’m John Mercure, welcome to the Sunday Sip.  We’re joined by our friend Lauren Zwirlein, attorney at Tabak Law.  Thank you so much for being with us, Lauren.  LAUREN ZWIRLEIN: ...
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Assure your clients that you are using every tool possible to ensure professional legal services at the best price. eCourt Reporters is a free service for law firms to be as thorough in selecting the best-suited court reporter as clients are in selecting best-suited legal representation. Now, more than ever, clients that are involved in...
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As remote legal proceedings have grown, some civil court cases have come to a grinding halt. Cook County, Illinois is struggling to keep the civil hearing process moving along. The backlog is growing in the courthouses and frustration is setting in. Court reporters are offering their individual video conference accounts to provide a means for...
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How has your law firm been affected by the COVID-19 epidemic? COVID-19 has changed the way many are doing business with everything from remote services involving video connections to no-touch delivery services. Law firms are adjusting as well with only 17.6% scheduling in-office depositions while 82.4% are not scheduling any in-office depositions. Are you scheduling...
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MADISON, Wis. – Finalists representing diverse tech-based sectors in Wisconsin’s early stage economy have recorded their presentations for online viewing as part of the 17th annual Wisconsin Governor’s Business Plan Contest. The four-month-long contest culminates during the Wisconsin Entrepreneurs’ Conference. To register for the full conference, which features speakers, panels, chat rooms and virtual “booths”...
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Host and founder of Just the Bulb, Caleb Dykema, uses his experience with multiple startups to provide the guidance and resources listeners need to turn their “bulb into business”! The podcast also features entrepreneur and business owner guests who started with “just the bulb” to share their insights and advice. Recently, Caleb interviewed eCourt Reporters‘...
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