The unauthorized practice of law (UPL) and digital court recorders share some interesting parallels. Regulation and Licensing: UPL: The practice of law is heavily regulated. Only individuals who have passed the bar examination in their jurisdiction are legally allowed to practice law. Engaging in legal activities without proper licensure is considered UPL and is illegal....Read More
Tired of the endless search for certified court reporters? THE PROBLEM: Phone Calls Text Messages E-mail Blasts Social Media Posts Unknown Charges at Time of Booking Lack of Communication with Court Reporter Unknown Qualifications of Court Reporter There is a better way! Stop the madness and take advantage of efficiency! THE SOLUTION: Search Our Database...Read More
Deposition transcripts are a record of legal proceedings, but more importantly, they are crucial tools in court cases. With rapid market changes in technology, certified transcripts are at risk. Simply put, the authenticity of a transcript requires certified court reporters. Anything less than certified court reporters risk admissibility of transcripts in court. Rules of professional...Read More
It’s summer and it’s likely either a deposition or vacation. Surprising similarities in the process! Searching for that perfect vacation is as simple as entering criteria for your destination: Date, location, number of rooms, etc. Available results appear, make your selection. Searching for the perfect court reporter to cover your deposition is as easy as entering your legal proceeding...Read More
One of the first questions that law firms ask when scheduling services for legal proceedings outside of the courthouse is simply, “How much do court reporters charge?” The answer to that question is usually followed up with a combination of questions by the court reporter: How long is the proceeding intended to last? Will there be...Read More
HAVE YOUR DEPOSITION TRANSCRIPTS BEEN SENT AROUND THE WORLD WITHOUT YOUR KNOWLEDGE? As technology progresses, knowing who has access to deposition transcripts is becoming crucial for client-centered law firms. Outsourcing transcription services for legal proceedings is risky business as sensitive, confidential client information can be compromised. In attempts to cut costs, large corporations put legal proceeding...Read More
eCourt Reporters join gener8tor; continue to scale – Court reporters and law firms across the country are reaping the benefits as the legal technology of eCourt Reporters takes another huge step to expand its offerings! Read More
eCourt Reporters has been busy! Here’s some highlights of recent activity: PODCASTS: * The Savvy Entrepreneur – Doris Nagel interviewed Karen Renee on Lakes Radio 101.5 FM. Doris Nagel wrote: “Karen Renee, CEO of eCourt Reporters, says that she and her business partner Judy Gerulat run their business the same way they ride their Harleys — full-speed...Read More
LawNext is a comprehensive directory for law firms to learn about legal technology products. With so many legal tech companies on the market, LawNext compiled a detailed list for law firms to have the ability to filter products by ratings and information provided. Categories listed include contracting, litigation, practice management, legal research, discovery, and so...Read More
Digital recordings in the legal field continue to make the news, and it’s not good. Law360 published an article April 7, 2022, discussing the many glitches in digital court reporting tech. StoryCloud was recently shut down in Texas when a complaint was filed by a local court reporting agency. The headlines are no surprise to the court reporting industry; however, law firms...Read More
As prayers go out to the Waukesha families affected by the Christmas parade tragedy, yet another revelation has been brought to the forefront. A previous court hearing of the alleged attacker has no record of the proceeding. A “technical issue” was cited as the reason for the lack of available transcripts. This type of travesty...Read More
Congratulations to the following winners: Attorney Brandy Manning with Alston & Bird Court Reporter Esther Van Blarcom had this to say about Attorney Brandy Manning, “I love how Ms. Manning does everything she can to help me get a good record. She pays for the record promptly and expresses her appreciation.” Michael Leonard, Esq., with Boyle, Leonard &...Read More
A Risk Too High for Litigation! WORDS MATTER! WHAT VOICE-TO-TEXT TRANSLATED — WHAT WAS ACTUALLY SAID An admissible evidence – Inadmissible evidenceI wouldn’t know – I would notePriceless – Price listYou pee on other countries – UPL and other countriesWorking as an illegal – Working as a paralegalHe was absolutely thinking – He was absolutely fakingLegal –...Read More
Technology continues to flourish in the legal community. Online marketplaces are providing impressive transparent legal support services to law firms. There are service providers such as process servers, stenographers, virtual receptionists, interpreters, document creators, and more that are all valuable for the discovery process in litigation, and all those services are now easily accessible through...Read More
Click Here to Listen to the LeXFactor Podcast now! In this episode of The LeXFactor, a lawfully good podcast, our podcast studio is once again populated with special guests. Special guest hosts Randy Schorfheide (Lexicon Sr. Manager of PR & Communications) and Scott Brennan (Lexicon CEO) welcome Karen Renee, President, and Judy Gerulat, Vice President, from eCourt Reporters to talk about “adapting and...Read More
Finding a court reporter shouldn’t be just another thing to cross off your checklist, it should be handled with diligence as this person can impact your case in terms of accuracy and reliability. Understanding how court reporters may influence your proceeding helps you to know what you should be looking for when searching for a court reporter...Read More
Law firms expect and demand professional support in legal proceedings. eCourt Reporters provides attorneys and paralegals the ability to search and select certified court reporters and legal videographers free with the latest technology. Personally selecting court reporters and legal videographers is a feature that supersedes all other scheduling methods. 1) Is there a specific court...Read More